
Viking Bar is a cool name. The pitch contest must be a tough call to make. Maybe do a pro and con list? I've done a few and it helped to put my thoughts down on paper, at least.

I also thought it was terrible. I love the character but that run felt all wrong to me.

Ya know, it's times like this that I really wish ol' Matt had never played another role after Wooderson, that he'd just drifted off into the sunset, high as a kite and bopping along to his bongos, and left us with just that one role to remember him by.

Yeah for as much as his vile comments in recent years have made me sad, his work in the late-Bronze Age through the early Modern (or whatever the fuck you call it) still holds up. There's a reason that stuff hit the industry like an atom bomb at the time. Certainly he took elements from his influences (namely Eisner)

We could also just stare at her picture in this review and save ourselves the trouble of watching what sounds like a sucky film.

I'm so sorry to hear about this. No amount of loss is ever easy to handle but that's an awful lot to deal with in just a few days.

The Man in the High Castle and Victoria. It's all Rufus Sewell all the time!

If you get the gig can you throw in a good word for me on the Rogue solo series I want to write? ;-)

I can see what you mean. I don't have a long history with Jessica so besides her appearances in some team books this is really my first prolonged series I've read featuring her. I love her now, of course! I totally understand it not being for everyone. I'm a dude but remember the stress my wife felt for years when our

Same here. DC and Image have been my jam lately and I'm totally cool with that.

Interesting. That's how I felt about the book after one issue so I never kept up with it after that.

I'm worried it might be cancelled. I haven't heard for sure but someone here said it wasn't in the April solicits.

So is Babybell a monthly series?

I absolutely loved that Thor run. Esad Ribic's art was also a big draw for me. I didn't stick with the book after the end of the God Buther/God Bomb arcs though. I should get back to Aaron's Thor one of these days on Marvel Unlimited.

Agreed. I am not interested at all in their event comics anymore or their A-list titles. I don't care for the characterizations or story lines being applied to many of the big name characters at Marvel now. So I just ignore them!

Babybell Wax Bodysuit looks cool. Is this a monthly or a one-shot or a graphic novel..? Doesn't matter, just curious. I'm going to look for it at the LCS next time I'm there.

I read it last night!

I still have to read that first issue! I've been lax on my new comics reading the past week.

Yeah I think Chaykin wimped out here, honestly. You can't go full-on Chaykin without some fishnets and garter belts.

A Chaykin variant? Wilma and Betty getting being Chaykin-ized is definitely not something I ever expected to see.