
How do you propose we get the racist jerks on board with taking these jackals down? I'm just having a hard time right now caring one fucking bit about those racist jerks. They're a huge reason why we're in this mess right now.

I also remember Irene Jacobs and having a big-time crush on her whenever I caught that movie on cable.

Whatever it is you've got, please don't give it to me. I've already got a cold!

I really like Cowan's work, especially when he's teamed with Sienkiewicz. I can remember being turned off by the first work of Cowan's I saw, when I was a kid. It was on Batman. I wasn't that into the scratchy line work, same reason I was a little unsure about Tom Mandrake's work. But then they both won over very

Definitely knowing about the Dark Phoenix Saga is the big thing. It also helps to know that in current continuity Jean is her younger self, from before she went full-on Phoenix. She and the original X-Men were brought here to the present day by Beast (long story) and that was the basis for the Bendis All-New series

Of all the classic Scorsese that I love, Raging Bull was always a tough one for me to want to revisit. It's long, of course, but it's grueling and depressing as hell. With incredibly unlikable characters. The characters in Ordinary People were more relatable to me. When I was younger though, I agreed with the

I might pick up JL vs. SS in trade, it sounds like a lot of people really enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting much either but I'm pleasantly surprised to hear that it's good.

Velluto turned in some beautiful work on that book.

Yes, his Black Panther run is on MU. So check it out! It's as good as you've heard!

I really liked The Trial of Jean Grey too. I own the hardcover. It was fun and cosmic and heavy, and just the right amount of each for me. I'm not a big Bendis fan but I thought he did well here. I also loved the art, Sara Pichelli and Stuart Immomen. Wow, gorgeous stuff.

I haven't read the first issue yet but I have it in my pile. I'd love to discuss it as the series goes on. I do wish it wasn't $4.99 a month, but I'm down to only a few books on my pull and this one's monthly so I'm going to give it a go.

You're right, it wasn't glee for the sake of murder as for the sake of showing how intelligent he was. I need to go back and reread that one now to see if this take on Riddler was subtler than I remember.

Dammit. I just dropped Deathstroke after issue 10, not realizing the next one would have Sienkiewicz and Cowan on art. I love those guys, plus working with Priest? Shit, I'm going to need to pick this up.

My personal list (which I always love trotting out in these comments):

Well that headline instantly made me not want to watch this series.

I like to imagine that story with Mary not only declining but snapping the fucker's wrist when he tried to grab her pussy.

Did you see story about the Akroyd tribute to Carrie Fisher on here today? Seeing Carrie's picture at the top of that post just brought all the sadness rushing back over me, all over again. I still can't believe she's gone.

That's likely because he's probably got narcissistic personality disorder. So feeling compassion, empathy, or grief for people outside of his immediate family is nearly impossible.

It was a hell of a smile, wasn't it? Reruns of The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Dick Van Dyke Show were huge for me when I was a kid. I loved her. Then I saw Ordinary People in high school and couldn't believe it was the same actress. Helluva career and smile, for sure.

I know, I remember catching this one in reruns as a kid.