
Look at her in that picture. So beautiful, with that "WTF did you say?" look on her face. Ugh, every time I read something else about her the crush I've nursed since 1980-something just grows stronger.

Right now, I look as exhausted as Jack and feel as exasperated as Warren in that picture up above.

Funny enough, I held in my hands an issue from the dollar bin today, Justice League of America 254. I almost bought it up but I'm still hoping for DC to start releasing bronze age JLA in trades, so I'm holding out for that.

Sounds good, thanks.

Yeah he was omnipresent when I was a kid. I never really cared for him, though. He was smarmy.

Paul Revere & The Raiders reminds me - a couple of my friends and I were texting during last week's inauguration, AKA the installation of the Russian flunky into office, and when Kellyanne Conway arrived in that outfit, my buddy texted, "Is she auditioning for Paul Revere & The Raiders?"

I'm curious about ports but know very little. Is Sandeman the one you'd recommend for newbies?

Just hit the shop, came away with a bunch of stuff. For someone who's trying to spend less money on comics, I'm failing miserably.

So a fellow blogger directed me to a website that was looking for contributors. I applied and they responded that they'd like to bring me on as a contributing writer. I'll earn revenue share on posts depending on page views. It won't make me much money, if any, honestly. But it's still exciting!


Besides some time reading the FF as a kid I've basically ignored them for a long time also. But in recent years I've rediscovered them and am now really into them as a team and as individual characters. I've read Mark Waid's run (loved it) and once I finish Byrne's I'm hoping to read all of the original Lee and Kirby

House of Penance looks very good indeed. I've added it to my list.

How's the Scioli Super Powers backup in Cave Carson? I might pick up that book in trade eventually and I'm hoping they include the backups.

John Byrne's FANTASTIC FOUR! And it's FANTASTIC! I read some of it as a kid but I'm doing a full read through now through a combo of trades and on Marvel Unlimited. It's a blast.

I really love me some Bronze Age Justice League of America. Is that issue during the Justice League Detroit era, right? One of these days I want to pick up more of the issues for that roster.

I desperately want a great JLA book also. Let's hope this is it. I might trade wait (I'm trying to cut down on monthlies) so I'll be able to check the pulse of y'all around here about it.

I enjoyed a lot also. I've wanted to check out Aaron's Ghost Rider, so it's good to hear you liked that too.

I keep meaning to read Sequart's Swampy reviews. I write for them now and then. Love those guys and the site.

Is it better than his Dawn of the Dead remake? I don't think that one's anywhere near as good as the Romero original, mind you, but I do like it.

Let's go with that!