
This guy gets it! Well said.

You old softy, you.


That's enough.

I'm glad someone mentioned Phoebe Cates. I mean, if you're married to Phoebe Cates, you automatically become even cooler than you already were.

Same here, Judkins. I didn't realize it at the time, but Kline was clearly one of my avatars for masculinity as well. The man is a legend to many of us, and for good reason.

I recently saw Joe Versus The Vocano again for the first time in ages and I was struck by how ridiculously charming Meg was in that. I just love her in that film, portraying the different characters, making each unique but also tied together. Then I started thinking about her other roles that I've loved - When Harry


Oh wow I'm next week! Hope I can get something together in time!

I might be way off here but it also seems like all of Batman's big villains have been sort of homogenized - or Jokerized. They're all hyper violent now, it seems. I kind of miss the days when you knew the Riddler was a shithead but he probably wasn't going to take much glee from murdering people. He just wanted to

I dropped Trinity after two issues even though I loved the art. The story wasn't really going anywhere. I see that hasn't improved? I still might spring for it in trade later.

Okay, when you wrote "making the stakes higher and higher" I groaned. That's one of my complaints with Snyder's run, or what I've read of his run (which is about half of it). It's fine in and of itself, but now that it's the default Batman mode it's tiresome.

Bummer, I loved Stacey Lee's art. Silk is a really interesting character, with a fascinating backstory. I definitely want to catch up at some point! I'm happy to see her series and Spider-Woman are still being published. At least, I haven't heard that either one is ending, have you? I can't imagine they're sales

Awesome. I was reading Silk but fell off and now I can't remember where I was! Plus there may have been a restart of the series, argh. I don't remember. I enjoyed it, though. I'm curious about Spider-Women, how did your wife like that?

How about Fascist Asshole Russian Flunky?

Yes it does. I think the full title is actually Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 2, Civil War" which is a mouthful. I was really impressed with how he handled all of the Civil War tie-in bullshit. I think it's in at least two issues, IIRC, maybe part of a third too. Either way, it's seamless and doesn't muck up the

Besides knowing that we're only moments away from the Cheeto-Head taking office? I'm fine.

Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 2. This might be my favorite comic on the market right now, just slightly ahead of Rucka's Wonder Woman or Samnee's Black Widow. I've completely fall in love with Jessica Drew as a character after having not paid much attention to her for years. Dennis Hopeless makes her so relatable,

You're a fan, I see?

The internet and comics readers seem divided on King's Batman. People seem to love it or think it's a disappointment. I haven't jumped on board yet but the first trade's out, so I'm wavering. What do y'all think?