
In my day we didn't even leave the house for a concert until at least 10:30 PM!!

The next four years will certainly afford us plenty of opportunities to pile the hyperbole and outage sky high.

Going out on a limb there, I see.

It's on Marvel Unlimited?? I have MU! I didn't even think to check, I just assumed it wasn't there. Whoa you just made my day!

I got yer Big Issues right here, pal!

Oh I know! And that toddler example was so gross I threw up a little when I saw it last year.

Didn't he once say he'd probably date her if she wasn't his daughter? Uuuuuuuuuuuugh.

*mic drop*

Me too., they're terrific together. Have you seen Gulacy's Marvel portfolio from back then? Good grief it's awesome, with quite possibly my favorite Black Widow image ever: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-q…

Oh lord that tumblr is like porn for me. Wow!

That series is one of my comics' white whales. I first read about it ages ago but still have yet to actually read an issue of it. They never seem to be out there, in circulation. Or when they are they're too pricey for me.

You're reminding me that I desire to own all of those recent Master of Kung Fu omnibuses Marvel's been releasing, yet cannot financially justify it.

To quote every AVC commenter ever, "I'll be in my bunk."

Now that's a blast from the past. You rock, Mr. S!

Oh she was in The Stepfather, that's why I knew her! She's too damn cute for Brad. Good for her for breaking that off. Brad is the Pitts.

As long as it's not tiny hands like He Who Shall Not Be Named.

Right?? I definitely remember her but I never saw Popcorn so I have no idea what I saw her in! Maybe it's just that she has that '80s girl look that I swooned for as a kid, who knows. My goodness she's a cutie.

Jill Schoelen had a Winnie Cooper thing going on before Winnie Cooper.

Only thing I can ever remember is the lovely Kate in that black suit, TBH.

I saw the first two in the theater, kind of liked both even though they are far from good, and then saw a bunch of the third on cable. Did I see Awakening? I can't even remember. Haven't seen the latest yet. One of these days I want to marathon them all and I have no earthly idea why. I must be crazy.