
Hope you feel better soon, Mister S.

Caught up on new issues of Wonder Woman, Deathstroke and Superwoman. Then hit the LCS Wednesday and got all new issues of each, but have yet to read them.

I just finished Kraken a month or so ago. Very fun book, goes on a little long, but definitely a wild ride. The City and the City was fantastic.

That Justice League book intrigues me. I almost bought the new Vixen one-shot yesterday but decided to wait. Any comic nerds here today that bought and read it? What did you think?

"I hope he plays his new song, 'Buzzfeed (Failing Pile of Garbage)' too!"

It was surreal. We've truly entered into another dimension, things have gone completely pear-shaped.

Stayed home with the kids yesterday (both were sick, doing better today so far), so while they napped in the afternoon I caught up on new comics. Read the last two issues of Superwoman (love that series) and the last two of the first arc on All-Star Batman (I enjoyed it but need to reread all five issues now to get a

I've always been a "Taking it to the Streets" guy myself. Both songs are always a pleasure to hear, though!

I've had that thought too, many a time, since November.

I figured. Like it's a fucking concert, Jesus Christ.

Seriously. Who the fuck was applauding throughout?!?

He must've said "Greatest ever," "tremendous," and some combination of "nice, very nice," "such a great man" at least five thousand times.


Or, spoken in Trump voice, "You're purged!"

I still haven't seen the first Purge (I hear it's not that great - anyone want to comment?) but I love The Purge: Anarchy. Frank Grillo is fantastic in it. It had me hooked from the get-go. Great movie.

I didn't know that. Bummer, I'll miss it when it's gone.

I just caught up on Superwoman earlier today, excited for the next issue (this week, right?).

Exactly! It's one of the rare modern comics that justifies being read monthly. It's old school in that way, which is no surprise because Jimenez is old school.

Unrelated to this post but I just wanted to say I'm really enjoying Superwoman right now. Jimenez is doing some fine work there, writing and art. It's engaging and just the right amount of loopy fun. Plus Emanuella Lupacchino alternates on art and she's fantastic.

I loved that issue!!