
Hi Jordo!

I was curious about Love Is Love but man some of those stories sound terrible. Batman investigating the Pulse shooting? Groan.

His Daredevil is SO overrated. It's a dull slog with some intermittent good moments.

"I was just having many beers!"

I've only read the first issue but it was suitably gothic and creepy, sort of old school but also some more contempary characterization. It was definitely a bit slow, but I didn't mind that. The art alone makes it worth picking up the book, I'd say, especially if you like Deadman. It's beautiful! I hope to read the

All great points and definitely reasons why trades are a good format for reading certain series.

My thoughts exactly. A part of me actually feels weird that I'm not still buying Daredevil monthly at the moment, after doing so for many years. So I totally get what you mean and don't find it stupid at all!

Agreed, completely. Waiting for trades has a habit of making my intense initial interest in a series wan considerably over time.

Nice. I loved the God Butcher arc but didn't read past that.

One of my favorite series. Ever.

Shit. I keep doing that. Black WIDOW.

I feel the same way about back issues. I sold about twenty issues of New Teen Titans on eBay last year. I should get back to putting more of them up for sale. It's just time consuming to take the photos, upload and create the listing, etc. But it's such a crapshoot. I have no idea what might sell or will never sell.

Yeah I have the same problem with books, too. I was excited to get a new tall bookcase recently, to clean up some of the piles of books around the house, at least.

It's hard to read monthlies and not feel like I'm getting ripped off. It's the old habit of doing that keeps me doing it, I suppose. I genuinely love the format but frankly I love trades more so I should really just stop monthlies. I'll keep you updated on my progress, of course.

I was kind of bummed Diana spent that issue in a stupor. I want to see her in charge, confident. I realize Rucka's likely building to that but I hope that's coming soon.

The last few issues of Deathstroke and Wonder Woman.

Hey, Happy New Year Aerostar!

Hey gang! Welcome back from the holidays.

Matt, I resolved to finally read Neuromancer last year, after owning an old tattered paperback copy I snagged for a buck ages ago. It's phenomenal, you will not be disappointed.

Every day this asshat does something else that makes me hate him more than I thought was possible the day before. It's almost comical. Except it's not because it's real like and this fucker is GOING TO BE OUR PRESIDENT.