
You are definitely not the only one.

Dude! Congratulations!

Between Marvel Ad Guy and Fan Favorite Brian Michael Bendis I love the recurring characters in your posts!

I agree on your first point and as for your second I remember that photo of Cumberbatch at the comics shop. Very cool stuff.

The list I saw recently also included Dan Slott, plus I've read people saying he's a harasser before too. Again, I don't know any details about him either.

Interesting, now I really want to check it out. I know all the issues are on Comixology but I'm waiting for a trade. Maybe with this new series forthcoming they'll finally collect the old run?

IIRC Wong has cancer and it's about Dr. Strange attempting to cure him and all of the moral and ethical quandaries that entails. I think there's more but it's been so long since I read it I can't remember many details. And Strange teams up with Night Nurse throughout, which is cool. I loved it and the art is beautiful.

I understand and I tend to feel the same way. It's very hard now to know who to, for lack of a better word, root for. We're constantly being told "Creator X" is a harasser or hates women or is intolerant or…but then they deny it all. So what the hell is going on then? Are most of them lying and then the rest are

So recently I saw Nick Spencer's name on a list of comics pros who've been accused of harassment. I'm not sure I want to bother reading his Twitter page in that case.

Very sad! (Trump voice)

I know! I was tired of reading everyone's angry and upset tweets and not knowing what the heck they were referring to. So I finally Googled and found out.

Bates and Weisman are back on Captain Atom? Wow I missed that. I only read a few issues of their old run but it was great.

Yeah now that the pricing has evened out on most I don't mind them either. But that's the thing - you have to pay attention, which I rarely do. So I've missed some variants I'd rather have instead of the regular covers.

That gravestone dance. Hoo boy.

I've been all about Death Wish Coffee lately, but it's pricey so my go-to when I'm not shelling out extra cash for coffee is Cafe Bustelo. Plus I work near a bunch of coffee places and usually get at least one cup during the work day.

What sort of debauchery did you get yourself into last night, eh?

Right?!? I was pretty pleased. Oh, and also Return of the Living Dead, which I hadn't watched since high school. I'm happy to report I loved it more this time. It's batshit crazy in the best way possible. And it has Linnea Quigley. Need I say more.

I now have all three Uncanny X-Men Omnibuses in my possession. Yes! My wife saw them the other day and said, "What are these huge X-Men books?!?" I think she was impressed. Or possibly annoyed at how much space they take up. Not sure.

Dude. Good day at the LCS. I was only intending to pick up the four titles on my pull - Black Widow, Wonder Woman, Detective, and Deathstroke. But the kind folks at the shop also set aside the new Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary Special for me and, well, I needed that, of course! Then I started perusing and was mighty

I've been watching some when I can, including a few I hadn't seen before. One was Pumpkinhead which surprised me with how good it was. I really liked it.