
Hauling Ass through the Years of Lyndon Johnson should be the name of another book!

Just finished Neuromancer and it was mind blowing! So good, glad I finally read this one after years of wanting to do so.

I agree. y'all are a good lot to hang out with!

Contant could use some context!

Yeah I'm only getting six or seven hours a night myself, too. But I need definitely need at least that.

Been there, done that, had that same conversation with my wife only over books. I'm drooling at the movies you ordered (Texas Chainsaw 2 is one of my FAVES!) and now I want to go blow some dough over at Scream Factory's website.

That glut has had the same effect on me. I used to feel obsessive about seeing them all but now, not so much. I'm one of the weirdos that actually enjoyed Suicide Squad. I don't pretend that it's a good movie, it's not, but I had a good time and found it silly and irreverent enough to hold my interest.

Yes! Such a memorable line delivery from Milo.

Meanwhile I still haven't seen Age of Apocalypse but it looks like such a train wreck that I don't feel much urgency to do so.


So, not comics but close: what did y'all think of the Logan trailer? I know this was probably already discussed in a news item here, but I missed it. I thought it was one of the best superhero film trailers I've seen. I fully realize that doesn't mean it'll be a good film! But it got me excited for a movie I hadn't

It has been dull so far, yeah. I think I read "Call of the Cthulhu" for sure, in high school. I have zero memory of it though, so I'll definitely go back and reread it.

I think Rucka is writing a great Diana so between that and the AMAZING art from Scott and Sharp, I'm hooked. It's the book I look forward to most every month.

I haven't read nearly as much Lovecraft as I'd like to. I recently downloaded one of those enormous collections on Amazon for a buck and started At the Mountains of Madness.

Nice, thanks for letting me know that. I'll check TCM for some Hammer goodness. With the kids I can't find much time for movies now, so I don't know how successful I'll be at seeing many more this month.

You stole the words right outta my mouth. I love fall and Halloween so very much, for all the reasons you listed.

I just started that Iron Fist Epic Collection this past week also. I'm only a handful of issues in but enjoying it immensely. I hadn't read these earlier issues with writers like Wein, Moench, and Isabella before. I'm really looking forward to when Claremont, Byrne, and Austin take over as I have fond memories of

Stop sugar coating! Give it to me straight, man!

The movie definitely could have been better with a better creative team handling things. I mostly love it because it's a good showcase for Elvira and loads of fun. `

“He had very little to do. And what little he did, he did very stiffly.”