
I saw some stuff about this on comics artist Mark Brooks's Facebook yesterday and it was annoying - he and all the people who commented were basically all outraged that the cover got yanked and several of them were saying it was NO different than the actual cover for the book. Which I highly disagree with. It was

Aw, thanks! Yeah, I watched Mistress of the Dark the other day, which I like to do annually but don't always get around to. God it's so good. So damn good. Makes me laugh every time, throughout.

I hope so too!

Major upvote for saying what I've been thinking for a while: Danielle Panabaker is a stone cold fox.

This sounds great but I'm terrible at planning ahead. Maybe I'll take 1/27? I hope I don't forget about it by then!

Congrats on seeing the finish line with regards to your own place. That'll be sweet. That job conundrum would vex me too. I wish I could offer some advice but all I can say is to think on it as best you can, weigh your pros and cons (make a list even), then do your best no matter you choose.

I think in recent years they make attempts every now and then to gently push the X-Men line, to try to breathe some life in it. But for the most part they seem weak and half-hearted to me. That said, I'll likely check out the Jean Grey book and maybe a few others.

I just read that one last night! It was sublime.

Flash S1 and Arrow S2 were high water marks of this CW era, for sure. After each of those seasons the shows went downhill fast though, IMHO. The reasons you mention are basically why I started burning out on Flash last year, too.

I was loving Flash until some point last season where it seemed to lose me. I can't even point to what it was now, but I never watched the final 6-8 episodes of the season. I'm really tempted to jump back in with it because I want to love it again.

There are too many good books from DC right now! I'm going broke!

Shhhh, don't say that too loudly, you'll upset the people who always get really upset over any Marvel X-Men conspiracy talk!

Preach it, brother.

Janin was the main reason I enjoyed Justice League Dark for a handful of issues a few years ago. Sounds good over all, might have to check it out.

I skipped Batman during that first arc after I heard some lukewarm things about it. I'm seriously considering jumping on board with this new arc though, as the Internet is positively excited over it, it seems.

I picked up The Flash By Grant Morrison and Mark Millar from the library this week and slotted it in ahead of other stuff I'd been reading due to their being a time limit on how long I'll have it in my possession. I'm about 5 or 6 issues in and enjoying it. I read several of these issues long ago, but never the run in


Yup, so I never assume anything they promote now is intended to last for more than a blink of an eye.

I bet Marvel's only planning on letting these books run for 10-12 issues anyway.

Sign me up for the Jean Grey solo book.