
I didn't even realize that book was still being published!


I agree with most of this list but haven't seen Deadpool or Apocalypse yet (hopefully will soon!). I think X2 and The Wolverine are my favorites, easily.

Yes, it is. I still enjoy Origins in parts also, though. It's a big fat mess (don't even get me started on their Deadpool) but I dig the '70s vibe, Logan as Canadian lumberjack, etc. Plus, Lynn Collins!

I loved The Wolverine too, which I've noticed is not a popular opinion to hold.

I found myself much more engrossed with it than I expected. Great flick!

Well it's October so I've been revisiting some horror flicks like The Return of the Living Dead (much more madcap than I had remembered), Alien (still awesome), and of course Halloween to name a few. Oh and also a first time viewing of Frankenhooker. That movie has intrigued me for ages based solely on the name. It

Green Room is high on my list, can't wait to see it.

I just started the Iron Fist Epic Collection last night. I've read most of the stories it contains before but it was years ago. I'm looking forward to it as I have very good memories of the Claremont-Byrne-Austin run on the book. I also have the Power Man/Iron Fist Epic to read after that. Can't wait!

God that sucks. My cousin posted some insane shit rant about Clinton recently so I can only assume she's supporting Trump and while I'm not surprised, it's still depressing as hell.

I've been enjoying Ballast's Pumpkin Down this week. Very tasty seasonal brew. I think someone here recommended it recently so that's why I sought it out. Glad I did!

English Beat - Save it for Later
Patti Smith - Land
Josh Ritter - Girl in the War
Pearl Jam - Brain of J
Pretenders - Mystery Achievement
Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
PJ Harvey - Victory
Iggy Pop - Candy
Weezer - El Scorcho

That scene has haunted me ever since I saw this movie years ago. It's truly one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen in a film.

That sounds GLORIOUS!

You gotta tell us who she is now!

I agree, and up to this point with my blog, which is close to a year and a half old, I've never had a post this nakedly honest before. But it was something I wanted to do at some point when I started the blog - I feel like I have to get it out of me, to purge all those years and memories. So I'm leaning towards

Thanks! At heart I'm pretty introverted, so building an online presence in the last year or two has been a very challenging experience for me. Rewarding as hell at times, but I do have to push myself to share things on my social media sometimes. I was scared to share these links here for ages! But y'all are such a

I've only read Doom Patrol so far and I like it's off-kilter weirdness (which any Doom Patrol book shoudl be, of course), but I'm on the fence as to whether I'll stick with it. Time will tell. I'm also excited for Cave Carson and that Super Powers backup from Scioli might make my head explode with excitement.

Awww, you're awesome. Thank you for the offer. I typically share my art here:

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about the struggles with StarHammer. I understand feeling inferior to colleagues and peers, it happens to most everyone I know at some point or another. The trick is not letting it dominate your thinking, or impact your worldview. We know you have value here, and we respect you and what you