
She has that effect on people.

Moms, am I right?

"In the wake of the tragedy, Jessie is left handcuffed, trapped, and alone, with nothing but a hungry stray dog and the voices in her head to keep her company."

That was one hell of a twist. I'm glad it had never been spoiled for me, too.

The coloring was beautiful.

I just read the first sixteen issues of Luke Cage, Hero for Hire a few weeks back on Marvel Unlimited. That Doom story was a blast!

Courting a lady definitely takes precedent over getting to the LCS. You have your priorities in order, my friend!

This sounds great!

I tracked down the old trade from the library. It doesn't much in the way of supplemental material, only a long introduction by Howard Chaykin. Which, now that I think of it, I forgot to read. I was planning to do so after reading the book. I'll have to do that now before I return my copy.

Same thing happened to me and was definitely the biggest negative about the book for me. I guess that's partly on Paul Smith for making so many characters look alike? Speaking of Smith, I'm a huge fan of his X-Men work but I wasn't that enamored with his work on The Golden Age.

It looks awesome, so I really want to get back to it. It's so hard finding time with all of the other stuff I have piled up to read, though. I need to make it a priority next time I use Unlimited, though.

I've seen Capullo's art for Reborn on his social media pages and it looks phenomenal. I'm not remotely into Millar though so I doubt i'll buy this book. Maybe I'll wait for a collected edition.

JSA: The Golden Age. I know a lot of you here are big fans, so feel free to reply with why you love it, I'd love to discuss. I enjoyed it and impressed with the way Robinson built tension over the course of the series and really did a wonderful job playing off old Golden Age archetypes and tropes.

When you "fire" it up, eh? I see what you did there.

That's a tough one, I'm sure there are several I could list but right now the first to pop into my head was an original printing in very good to near mint condition of God Loves, Man Kills, which I got for ten bucks.

I started the Perez Busiek Avengers on MU last year but only got an issue or so. It was dense and a slow read, as you say. I liked it a lot and need to get back to it at some point. How was their entire run? I like having an idea about how many issues I'm committing to, haha.

You're not going to believe this but I'm reading that book right now! I write for Sequart, I have about 18 articles, essays, and reviews that I've done for them. I was emailing with the editor the other day and said hey I saw this book is out, it looks great. So he sent me a free PDF! And told me he'd happily send

Fuuuuuuck yes, that's so gut wrenching.


How often do the Reasonable Discussions threads pop up, every Wednesday? And where can you find them on the homepage usually? I totally missed this one yesterday and I'm bummed; I love chatting with y'all on these threads!