
At first I was sad that you were telling me Javier was leaving (I totally missed this) but I love Veronica's work so that makes things much better!

Even though I haven't kept up with the relaunch of this title (see my comment below; I'm getting to it!), I absolutely adored the previous volume from the same creative team. It was probably my favorite monthly for a while there.

Ah, this reminds me I need to catch up with this series. I dropped it when it relaunched to wait for trades, have the first one now but haven't read it yet. I do love Hopeless's and regular artist Javier Rodriguez's take on Jessica.

Major upvote for Velvet! I have the latest trade but haven't found time to read it yet. I cannot wait to do so, though.

Same here. It's so damn good.

I'm reading both series, so I win either way! IIRC she's being replaced by Bilquis Evely, who is also AWESOME, so I'm not happy about that.

Geez I'm sorry to hear that about your dad. I hope he's on the mend.

Woo hoo! Congrats!

You're totally going to blow that cash at your LCS now!

One of my all-time favorite movie quotes!


That was very helpful, thanks for the thoughtful response. I knew of most of those eras, just from having been a comic book fan most of my life. The Great Darkness Saga is the only one I've read though—I picked up the big hardcover four or five years ago and absolutely loved it. I'd like to read the follow up

I will keep you informed until the resolution of this story!

Maybe he'll return under a new name and none of us will know it's him. Either way, sad to see him leave. I wish him the best.

So is Cage as problematic a read as the Internet feared it would be?

Pretty sure I've used that one a few times here and at my LCS.
And I have that exact same reaction to the Inhumans. Every. Damn. Time.

So happy to hear about you landing a place! I'm not surprised to hear Dan Jurgens is a nice guy, he certainly seems it in interviews. Congrats on the anniversary!

I just got a review copy of Sinner Man from HCC, actually. I'm hoping to review it, haven't started it yet though. Haven't checked out their comics yet.

No, I haven't. The JSA are one of the big holes in my DC reading, the Legion being the other. I've only read a small amount of either. It's not for lack of interest, though, and I definitely want to read more of each. So do you recommend The Liberty Files as a follow up to The Golden Age?

I hope I can get to the shop this week to get Doom Patrol #2 - that Mike Allred variant looks awesome.