
I picked up the first Paper Girls trade from the library (haven't started it yet), along with James Robinson's The Golden Age (started it). Otherwise not a lot, it was a busy weekend seeing family and having some fall fun.

I haven't heard anything but it sure does seem like a hiatus is in the cards.

We missed you earlier!

So true. While Rhonda Shear and Joe Bob Briggs were huge figures in my cinematic snark education, no one beats Elvira. Long may she reign as the sassy lassie with the classy chassis!

Depends, are we talking pre-Crisis, post-Crisis, or New 52?

Words cannot express how much I loved both your comments about Elvira and what she means to you, and meant to you as a kid. It all mirrors my own experiences, eerily so! But that's the thing, she has that impact on so many fans, it's pretty mind blowing. And thanks for reading the articles, I'm really hoping they have

I'll second that with another pour out for the librarians who make the world go round. Many of my best friends are librarians, plus I work in scholarly/academic publishing. Mad props to the librarians.

I'm really interested to see what JLA is all about. That lineup has me intrigued. Only thing is I saw some sample pages or promo art and Choi looks like he's wearing a suit of armor similar to the one the Palmer wears on the CW shows. Bleh, ugh, phooey.

Yeah that's what first attracted me there too, but I was finding less of that over time and I just drifted away from the site because of that. "Lesser shade of geek blog" is a really apt description.

They should value us, dammit. And you're preaching to the choir. I'm the kind of fan who holds certain pop culture loves very close to the heart. Just see my Elvira stuff down below.

Awww, thanks for that generous offer. Yeah it's 45 bucks, which is obviously steep. But I'll still buy it if I can't get it in my, um, professional capacity as Person Who Writes On The Internet. I'll keep you posted!

It's like when all my sports nut friends say "We won last night!" or "We need a great wide receiver!" I kind of roll my eyes at them, but I get it because when it comes to stuff like Marvel I'm like that. I tend to feel like they're "mine" even though obviously on an intellectual level I know they're not…yet.

I remember the first couple of Phantasm movies scaring the crap out of me as a kid, but sadly I have little recollection of them now. I'm seriously contemplating picking them all up on Blu-ray once they're out.

You're welcome! Feel free to let me know your thoughts, or just blab on about how much you love Elvira. I'm also a receptive audience for that!

I was mostly kidding myself, so no apologies necessary ;-)

Are you referring to Lady Killers or The New Deal? Both look stunning to me, of course!

Elvira stirs things in me too, and I'm also blessed with a wife who understands that. Sure, I'll share the links! I'm normally kind of introverted and wimp out on sharing that stuff here, but I need to get over that. So, I hope you enjoy!

You'll burst in during their first dance: "It…Just..Doesn't…Matter!!"

I'm really hoping "mist" was not a typo for "must" because it instantly brought to the mind that stinking Terrigen Mist that Marvel has been using to further fuck up the X-Men lately.

"I've mostly stayed away from posting things online in the past, but everyone here has always been so welcoming and open. "