
I'm an Amber Blank man meself

Good stuff!

Depends on the genre of porn, I suppose. I wouldn't be too worried though…

Our son is just getting over strep. He's been just fine.

Almost finished writing my song about Skip Palenik.



My poutine is gonna rock.

Yeah, I hated that movie when it came out (same goes for the Mask), and I cant imagine it's aged any better than potatoes

Too many to count…
Wayne's World
Lawnmower Man
Having turned 18 in 1990, most of my fondest memories are from that decade, but I'm not blinded by nostalgia-there was some truly terrible, of-its-time-it-hurts movies that I enjoyed at the time, that I just can't revisit for fear of tainting the experience. Such as the

Every recipe was too salty for me.

You know, sometimes it's ok to not take everything seriously…but, you live your life how you will. :)

I don't think I did.

It was a joke…making fun of the fact that she is traditionally attractive, where as her husband isn't….and how many people are mystified that an attractive woman can be attracted to a man that isn't what shallow people would call attractive…is that a good enough explanation for you?

Ah, that guy. So, she likes to spend her time with a seemingly funny, sweet, supportive and loving man?

I don't know who that is.

It boggles the mind, it does.

Is it me, or is she pretty attractive?


Kate McKinnon is one of the most gifted performers I've seen in years.