
You mean, shilling for Disqus.com , amirite?


Have you tried Urban Demagogue? They're a chain, but they're professionals and the chicks are usually pretty hot

It's to create more traffic, right? Or something…I dunno….

That's bad!

You know, all the bitching here hasn't stopped you guys from commenting, has it? I mean, you've seemed to figure it out….

But, that ps4 update is pretty sweet


So, you're pro-life, then?

Easy enough to figure out-no worries here….change has never really bothered me…I'm not a panicky idiot, after all ….

I'm starting to really dislike Bee and her show.

Yeah, we've only watched the first…4 episodes? Maybe? I found it kinda "meh"

Even her name is fucking hot.

Glee is fucking garbage.

This Gene will never splice!

Santa Clarita Diet…

Katie Rife and the Voodoo Priestesses of Red Underwear.

Humpin rump roast

Yet another morality lesson from Meatballs….just one day without one would be nice

While you guys have really perfected it, you Americans don't have a monopoly on racism and misery…