
That doesn't sound like the Roger Godell I know

I understand many male commenters on here will be joining you in a show of solidarity by spending no time with a woman.
As a sign of respect, I'll let my daughter chose the activities tonight, and my wife can chose what we argue about.

Thanks, Captain Positive!

My spirit animal is delicious!!

And I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids….and the DNA, both Mitochondrial and Autosomal…and the unique chemical makeup of the accelerant used…and cell phone records placing me at the scene…and….you know what-it's not worth it…just…play a video game and rage constructively

Earth 2: The Culling

Candy Apple Road?


I've seen enough Forensic Files in the past 3 weeks to know this isn't gonna end well….nothing will, and love is just a lie…

We know what you think!

I wish this was Candy Apple Island


My mistake

Canadian Radio's Unaddressed Tragically Hip Problem

Agreed. I'll reiterate: I can't take death metal seriously, and the more wrapped in Nazi imagery or fucking clown paint, the funnier it is to me, and the less seriously these people are taken, the better. Honestly, every interview with one of these bands should include questions about recipes, or have them answer

Which makes it funnier to me…

It's more a case of "see, honey-you can't get away with it" ;)

I love metal, and Death Metal has to be the goofiest, most ridiculous music I've ever heard. Certainly don't dismiss the Nazi imagery and sympathies, but every interview with a Death Metal musician should be handled like you'd handle a Spinal Tap interview.

Nothing means anything, everything's permitted, nothing is forbidden so anything goes

I think you could even argue shows like The Good Wife have been inspired by Buffy