
What, exactly, is your problem with what I wrote?

Fucking sickening

Pfft…I didn't want your stupid book for crappy losers anyway!

Jesus….fucking awful…anybody else think there's a humdinger of a tragedy still yet to come before 2017?
My sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims; that such an awful thing should happen at a time when people are out trying to forget their troubles and just enjoy themselves is even more

What a scoop!

Thanks-I'll check that out!

Recommend what?

Oh, I just wanted to know the rules…I'd never recommend anything to anyone, not after that incident in '98…

Jennifer Lawrence=eh
Chris Pratt=Fucking annoying

Worst movie I've watched this year-at this point-is Ratchet & Clank; not an outright terrible movie, just…not good. Best? Well, I loved Zootopia, Hush, Kubo & The 2 Strings and…my memory is terrible

Am I allowed to recommend something?

Has Gilmore Girls ever made a joke about "sponge worthy" to Scott Patterson?

Make fun of us Canadians all you want, but a police officer drawing a parallel to what he did and bullying is better than a police officer drawing a gun and firing on an unarmed civilian. We're not perfect by any measure, but I'll take the shitty up here than the fucking awful down there.
Anyway, have a great weekend!

He's more of a science geek than Colbert

Frank was good-used to be better, but saw his partner gunned down in bust gone wrong, and was just puttin in his time, waitin for the fat lady to make her curtain call

Haha-fuck Konami
Konami spelled backwards is "i man ok"
Why, the homosexual undertones are everywhere!

Most of the songs I'd pick for this would probably be the first time most people would be hearing the song anyway, so imma be selfish and say:
Joyful Reunion by NoMeansNo
It is the greatest "fuck you, I'm better than that" song I've ever heard, and the drumming absolutely cements John Wright as not only the greatest

I've only seen Hush on this list, and I really enjoyed it. I'll try as many of these as I can :)

This sounds pretty awesome

Exactly. I was there…I saw it…will they sheepishly slink off the screen when they transform back?