
I like his "Cold Cock" commercial

Wow, she seems as fun as her androgenous look suggests.

My band names are way better than these

The spuds may be big on
The back of Bud's rig
But when you're in Prince Edward Island
Better lay off the Screetch
If you're drivin to the beach
Or the Nickleback will leave ya cryin

This reads like a satirical article…almost as if you're saying Sir Edward Murphy ISN'T the incoming president, having thoroughly trounced that charlatan Jorge Trudeau and his right-leaning facials!

I would too :)
I agree that Minecraft was a bit of cop-out, so you got me there ;)

I agree-it's always best when the players make unexpected decisions or take the adventure in ways I never imagined, but the difficulty with those 2 in particular was how familiar they got with them…they started to remember where loot was, and all that shit, so, like any good DM, I'd change it, omit it, or curse the

I usually played it as "the group was stranded/whatever in hommlet, and the motivations of the townspeople and whatnot were being influenced…as well, a few Slave lords would feature in TOEE, and would be using the temple as a cover for the their real motivations-humanoid trafficking and experimentations etc….really

Awesome ideas :)
Further to your follow up:
I haven't DM 'ed in years, but my friends used to always force me to run them through Temple of Elemental Evil and Scourge Of The Slave lords back in the day, because…well, I guess because I was really good at it :)
Fuck, I could probably do those both from memory quite easily,

I just keep thinking about Rolo, then I get hungry…and then, I try and remember what I was thinking about…then I get sad…

I agree to a certain extent; I've seen how much my son has learned about electrical currents, and building, etc. from Minecraft, but that also-in some ways-plays to my son's strengths, whereas my daughter is like me in the sense that it can get a bit much…I see she has these wonderful ideas and incredibly imaginative

Haha-Yeah, I didn't get caught up in it-I liked the comps enough, and saw a good number of the bands, but I was always far more into seeing NoMeansNo or Alice Donut or shit like that…now THAT tour (with Ultra Bidé ) was amazing

Yeah…it kinda is.

Either thats an unfortunate typo for you, or my terminology is totally out of date

At this point it wouldn't shock me at all to see massive bat wings spread from her back and a serpentine tail to wind it's way around her waist…

Agreed. For a while it was our goal to see every band on each compilation when it came out…my friends did it with the first couple, but that's as close as I know them getting.

Thank you :)
I discovered rpgs around 12 years old, which is just before 2nd ed came out, and it-along with punk- formed who I was for my adolescence. I'm not looking for it to dominate my children's lives, but I really think table top rpgs are an incredible educational tool, and I want-if nothing more-my children to

Yeah, I've heard he's been really ping-ponging a lot…a few people I know that now him have been pretty concerned for years, and are kinda surprised he's made it this long without a major health scare.

I still enjoy NOFX and listen to them on occasion in my mixes, but Fat Mike has always been an odd one to figure out for me-its almost as if he approaches punk the way a person with autism approaches social interactions. I don't mean that as a criticism at all, far from it actually…it's just…there are certain ethos or

A wrestling rpg? Awesome! Me and a friend of mine designed our own back in the late 80's/early 90's that we had a ton of fun playing, but it was pretty basic. I'll definitely have to check that out and see really how basic ours was :)