Semi-interesting fact finder.

I learned from The Stoned Age that things geared towards potheads are kind of dumb.

I honestly don't like his stand up a lot for the same kinds of reasons. He has funny moments and good observations, but he comes off so bitchy and condescending that it erodes any good will you had towards him.

I find that he does come off kind of dickish in interviews. He is often the best part of an ensemble but he, like some other strong personalitied people, really needs a group to reign him in.

My favorite bit in Silent Movie is that the only spoken dialogue, "No!" ,was spoken by Marcel Marceau, arguably the most famous mime in the history of miming.

Right, I had a look and it's like an Instagram of old weird America. That kind of thing can be interesting, this thing isn't.

I can't see Billy Corgan, or for that matter anybody in his circle of friends, knowing that much about cars.

That album, in the form of a vinyl record, costs around $70 today. It costs considerably less in other forms, but it's still truly good no matter how you hear it.

Since ABBA in the 70's, through Europe and Roxette in the 80's and Ace of Base in the '90s Swedish pop music has had a brainwashing quality. I'm glad Peter, Bjorn and John are keeping the flame alive.

It's 3 guys: Peter and Bjorn and John.

Yes but if you are not in the union, the teamsters will shake the dues out of you.

I'm waiting for it to play 10 times a month on SpikeTV or Esquire network or something like that. I think it'll kill there.

Yea the world survived Hitler; Germany itself however got the hell bombed out of it. The world could survive Herr Trump, but we as a nation wouldn't fare so well.

It's OK Rabin, if you had gotten into Zeppelin you would have probably grown out of them by now like most of us have in the latter half of our 30's.

The possibility of bacteria is why we can't look at it yet. The current probes on Mars weren't sterilized properly so we can't send them over to look at it. We have to build and autoclave up a whole new probe. Or just send Matt Damon.

Try a flash block: the frame will still be there but you can click on it to play it or not.

Well they did toss out their condoms when the "went exclusive" last season, so yea I'm thinking abobo as well.

Use Ad block? I don't have any auto playing CC videos.

It doesn't stack up to Coogan's takedown of "Lady in Red". Linking to that song in this really just makes me want to comb the archives and re-read that one.

No, that level of it has got to be a life long thing. Like one or both of their parent's were really shitty to their kids.

The funny thing is that in reality, every single part of that process effectively killed off the sperm: freezing in the freezer, microwaving, scraping it into a coffee cup full of wine.