Semi-interesting fact finder.

I really want to see the flashback that explains Becca and Lindsey's sibling rivalry.

My rule of thumb: if it doesn't have a zipper it is not the pair of pants you should be wearing outside your home.

Should a 26 year old man be hanging out with pyjama clad teens?

Record label executives made them most likely.

Shouldn't the city of Buffalo, NY apologize for Wings? Oh wait, you mean the band. Sorry.

I can't entirely believe they got Maureen Tucker, drummer of the Velvet Underground.

I always though Grinders were all about fresh bread and quality deli meats.

I will never understand how Dennis Miller became a right wing nut job. Maybe he always was and I was too young to notice, but my god. I feel like Fox news put a chip in his brain or something.

Canadian Netflix.


So he wants a Roman to nail him to some wood? Call the mafia?

That happened to me: I bought The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway from a guy on ebay. Included for free was a copy of Wind and Wuthering. Not a bad album. People say Phil Collins "ruined" Genesis but those people don't think about the huge contributions of Steve Hackett, who also left by the end of the 70's.

I like it alright, but I can't for the life of me understand how In the Air Tonight is good music to pump somebody up for athletic competition.

I think she looks more like young Peter Gabriel: mostly it's her eyebrows. Which really makes me wonder what Gabriel era Genesis was up to.

No way: The Musical Box, Supper's Ready and the entire album The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway are the superior Genesis songs.

I am willing to bet that even if they became "absurdly" wealthy they would blow all of it on junk within a year. It is common among people who win lotteries: having a lot of money doesn't teach a person how to properly manage it.

You know, Agent Carter has a lot of elements that are "sexy, revenge, and/or drama".

Usually short for "Ignacio", like how "Dick" is short for "Richard"

So is Krysten Ritter TV's go to actress for hot, sort of self destructive lady? I still think that based on Don't Trust the Bitch in Apt.#23 she would be a perfect Holly GoLightly in a remake of Breakfast at Tiffany's

Thanks! So am I.