Semi-interesting fact finder.

Oh wow, I have the exact cardigan A.J is wearing.

When I was homeless I knew this guy who was really into Zappa. He was a nice kid who very helpfully had the same eyeglass prescription as me, so if I had to drive somewhere in the Jeep/my house I could always count on him to tag along and let me wear his glasses. All the better not to send us hurling off a sheer

Is he also JGL's work friend in 500 Days of Summer?

I always though cum WAS a type of fertilizer….

Years ago I worked in a beef packing house; I've seen what you describe a thousand times over. Yea, it is very affecting.

Why isn't science delivering on the meal in pill form prophesied in The Jetsons?

What the hell happened with all that important ground-breaking research on pulling out? I feel like society was reasonably close to a sure fire solution in the 1970s.

I know who she portrayed in the episode; I was more wondering if she was well known in some series I haven't seen, like the O.C or something.

Who is April Bowlby?

Then somebody didn't follow the rules: the last item on the house rules list (after "the bathroom is for #1 ONLY) was "DO NOT tip the bartender"

I liked how this episode captured a certain moment in a person's life: the moment when you realize that friends have settled down and despite your rallying against such a thing you nevertheless know they are right. Especially in contrast to that old friend you have that is still a serious fuck-up in their mid 30s.

Paul's cool: he brews beer, flies model airplanes, is into astronomy. All those are pretty bad ass hobbies in my opinion.

Fine………The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil

November 20th.

Will it premiere on streaming every SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY?

The fact that she somehow never cleaned it off the whole episode was both hilarious and sad.

Fassbender in the Scottish play? Count me in. also Star Wars.

Well, I could get a cool album and a thing to trade to some college kid for some weed. Nothing wrong with that.

The ONLY one.

Oh yea he was: in the grand tradition of Bing Crosby, John Lennon, Bill Cosby and other beloved entertainers of the 20th century he was a rather rotten sort of person in his personal life.