
Only if you bring a big tub of Crisco with you and stare at people for an uncomfortably long time.

I don't know if I could keep up any pretense of being comfortable with someone after having to film shitty love scenes with them over a course of several months. Especially if that movie is basically a "How To Be an Abusive Dick" manual.

Wait, Kingsman is based on a Mark Millar comic?

She and my roommate should hook up; they'd get along great, lie to one another like crazy, and get drunk and scream about their Mommy Issues and Daddy Issues in a rapid torrent of incomprehensiblity.

So is that why the re-edited Star Wars looks so weird? I decided to watch the WookieGroomer edit a few days ago, and the difference in colour between the original and the Special Editions is fucking crazy.

Apropos of this, @midnight is just making fun of this very bit right now.

What's weird is that I knew a guy who was the counterpoint: he got engaged to the first girlfriend he had in high school. (I honestly blame the fact his parents got divorced when he was a kid, and yet, he was a total mommy's boy despite living with his dad.) Only reason it didn't happen was because she felt cheating

Actually, I think they're making a sequel; I know they did some short that's going to be in theaters. So technically, he isn't wrong about that. (I think I hurt something typing that.)

I would buy the fuck out of an Eight and Lucy Miller set. Maybe even multiples. And then buy Ten and Donna, and I'd be pretty much set.

Yeah, $30 seems pretty reasonable considering how insane the cost is for some of the other sets (Star Wars, I'm looking right at you).

I freely admit that was the first joke that my co-worker and I made about that commercial today. We're not very creative.

Not to mention that he barely explains any basic concepts of BDSM, so he's frequently doing things to her she admits in the text are not comfortable for her—and flat-out tells her it doesn't matter if she doesn't want to try anal, they're going to do it at some point. There's no trust, there's no actual rules, and

I doubt it was, but I felt the need to throw my two cents in.

That movie made me appreciate skinny vegans; they clearly have more blood and badassery in their bodies than I always assumed, because there was no other explanation for him surviving that much abuse other than "God did it."

That whole episode is great, but I am still surprised to this day (even in the 70's) that they let that make it to air. Granted, in this day and age, it wouldn't even get past the writer's room.

Jackson also hasn't won a single Oscar. He was Nominated, once, for Pulp Fiction. Oyelowo's point is still valid, since most of Jackson's roles are exactly the ones Oyelowo says they tend to be: criminals, slaves, and domestic servants. Being Nick Fury does not mean that the mountain has somehow been ascended.

I'd go for the first myself, but that's because I like my history to actually be interesting, instead of everyone being turned into paragons of perfection. I don't think it helps him any to make him into a flawless individual.

Since I could not give a crap about football (and I'm just waiting for baseball to start), I've spent most of my time today waffling between homework and trying to get XBMC set up on my Ouya. Finally got it to the point where everything finally plays (with sound! and everything!) but Flirc and my Harmony just don't

They were in a relationship later on. So, no.

I'd say a good chunk of it is, but at the same time, they also do comment on it themselves. So, I guess…half an half?