
Just because I'm easily confused is no reason to make fun of me and my identical twin.

Wasn't a poor community by any means. And, uh, the recent place rented DVD and blu-ray.

It was always racial only in the sense that it was always black athletes, until they started throwing in random white guys to really hit home the absurdity…and to basically highlight the fact it's almost always black athletes. (Hell, even when they used "Benedict Cumberbatch" it was one of them using it; they didn't

Which is also very true.

And that's the other side of it, indeed. I mean, I've dealt with it myself with a friend-with-benefits I once had; I will make fun of myself without a problem, but when it's patently obvious my friend is making blanket racist comments and trying to brush it off as "funny," it's not acceptable, and can be pretty tone

I think it's the comics equivalent of making sure new viewers know exactly who he is, if they just happen to flip channels into the middle of a scene and have never watched it before. Or, the writer is just lazy. Could be either.

As a fellow critic pointed out to me, there’s an uneasy element of
racial joking going on here—the black Key and Peele building a
phenomenally successful running sketch on the premise that, sometimes,
black people are given unusual names.

All I remember is getting irritated at the bouncing camera, and getting a headache from said camera. Didn't scare me, just bored and annoyed me.

I need to find that copy. My copy is just the special with an extra Rifftrax track.

I had to look it up, but holy shit. I never realized that poster actually reflected someone in the movie.

My first job had one, and it was pathetic. Over a decade later, the second station I worked at, waaay out in the boonies, also had one. In 2009. I was both amazed and appalled.

I Spit on Your Grave always stuck with me, for some reason.

That was half the fun of going: staring at the weirdest covers and wondering what the fuck the movie was supposed to be about.

I remember that cover. If VHS and rental shops gave us anything, it was fucking terrifying and really surreal cover art.

Yeah, I figured that last one. I don't remember the last time I honestly went during office hours to talk to any teacher outside of class.

Yeah, but Vader was at least shown as someone who was meant to be genuinely bad, if not someone we don't want to like. Obi-Wan dying right away just fed into that, and added to the larger arc of Vader being an asshole. I don't think the fight was meant to be big because of their relationship, honestly, I always got

Honestly, TPM the first time I watched it, felt like Lucas had entirely forgotten what Star Wars was, and just felt like doing Politics In Space! for an hour and change.

Also, he seemed to be one of the few actors really enjoying himself, and not entirely phoning it in. I'm guessing that was because he had a lot of experience dealing with Lucaspeak.

I wish Elizabeth Warren would run, but on the other hand, she can accomplish more staying right where she is. I think people forget that the President really doesn't do much except be a figurehead, suggest some laws, sign others once it hits his desk, or not sign it and say "fuck your law, I don't like it."

And it had a more believable, more authentic love story.