
I admit it, I would definitely watch a second season just because they had the balls to say "screw it, we're not going to tie up any of our loose ends."

That's what the fairy tales say.

To be fair, I think the problem was that they agreed with everything but one issue, and that issue was apparently important enough to have them voting for the party who otherwise told them they'd gleefully fuck their shit up.

Come on, are you suggesting someone like a conservative juggernaut named Ronald Reagan didn't get that "Born in the US" wasn't a jingoistic tune?

His personality is "smug asshole." That is really the only vibe I ever get off him when he's on TV and he opens his mouth.

All I remember of the Murphys is when they came to Irish Fest two years ago or so, and a friend's (also Irish) band was on beforehand. The Harley Davidson stage was dead during their show, but as it came to an end, people really started flooding in, and by the time I left, the damn place was packed all the way to the

That just makes this all the funnier.

I give of my genius freely.

Not just our nation's, I'm pretty sure Puerto Rico could get in on the action too.

I know one of my Facebook friends was over the Moon when he announced it. Because we all know people on welfare do nothing but smoke crack and inject heroin into their eyeballs whilst living off the work of the middle class.

Now what they need to do is go on Last Week Tonight ala Right Said Fred and perform a song that basically matches the original, but clearly expresses the fact that Scott Walker is an ambulatory sack of shit.

Feet first, one hopes.

Beatallica? Does a mashup cover band count as getting indie cred, somehow? (Note that I am joking, because Beatallica does not deserve Scott Walker's focus. At all.)

Not to mention his budget plan consists of, so far, drug-testing welfare recipients. Because we all know how much moolah that'll bring in.

Also the police unions, if I remember correctly, so they could form the protective cordon around the tree.

That was, admittedly, hysterical.

I still wouldn't bother listening to their music, but seeing more people tell Walker where to stick it makes me happy.

I admit I've looked at my fair share of men's too because of this.

Pop Cultural this weekend: lots of Top Gear on Hulu. Since they have over twenty seasons of it, it's easy to pretty much start from the beginning and just let it run as background noise. Also finally saw 22 Jump Street, which wasn't terrible at all, but really, it was the end that finally had me laughing. Same

If you have Hulu+, they just put all of Bebop (sans the movie) up. It's also a great place for anime in general.