hootie mcboob

What about Ed Oneil?

Not if you wanna keep your spleen.

Thank god Daniel Day Lewis isn't involved.

I think I'm getting the black-lung.

That fucker had it coming.

*puzzled look*


Bless your heart!

Halloween: Kittens

Reeeeeeeeeeaaal tomato ketchup Eddie?

I'm partial to You Only Live Twice.

"Why don't you shit down…."

How much in mojitos?

He could've had a second career as the Marlboro Man.

Oh my that is glorious!

I can't wait til they get the flame-thrower gun!

Can't we just get a strict adaptation of Contra for the big screen.

I couldn't agree more with that statement.

Get off the fucking set man!!!!

Donovan Wolfington, is that Chad Sexingtons friend?