hootie mcboob

Vaughn Williams' Fantasia on a Theme from the Master and Commander soundtrack.

Damn gingers. They really are the devils offspring.

I made about 60k last year, but it was almost exclusively in singles.

It's not the best show on TV, but I am entertained by it that's for sure.


What color is the boat house at Hereford?!

You just like her breasts, admit it.

But what about the sand on the beach?

I'll always remember him from Strangers With Candy, his best work that I've seen.

How dare you put down Elizabeth Banks like that!!!

Sounds like a perfect 10 to me.

And sadly there will still be idiots that defend him.

If loving yourself is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Mrs. McBoob and I have our 13th anniversary in a few weeks, and we've had so many ups and downs we'd put any roller coaster to shame. But we've got 3 beautiful boys to show for it and somehow we always land on our feet. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on us not lasting forever because I'm an insufferable

Don't look back. Just keep moving forward.

Geez you gotta big pussy, geez you gotta big pussy.

I'm the spitting image of Hitler. Try dealing with that everyday.

Holy shit you have hands!!!

Pretty fly for a white guy.

Same here with Blade Runner. I've sat through it a handful of times but, like you said, it's just not for me.