hootie mcboob

I work in one, you don't have to tell me about it.

Shotgun Ed!

Except after C

Comparable to Watchmen.

Throw in some Dolph Lundgren.


Just play it off like its a quote from a movie or something.

Helped Danny Tartabull.

Ahhh a good ole Worcester-ite. Please tell me you're not up around Grafton St?

First rule of a crisis situation…..

Don't forget the English language, which he's been murdering for the last 30 years.

Krull- Ride of the Fire Mares is one of my most favorite pieces of music ever.

Something something Terriers

You gotta remember to wash your hands after a weekly cross burning Ricky.

The Impossible was a good movie, even if his performance was in a supporting role.

LandPhil II

Shoulda won States.

Only for women.

They put all the jerks in Tower One.

"Colonel Stuart, can we have a few words for the camera?"