hootie mcboob

Shit-head Dads give the rest of us a bad name.

Bones. Nice pick.

"You're all a bunch of slack-jawed faggots. This stuff will make you a goddamned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me."

There are girls watching.

I was in the opposite situation you were, and from my experience I didn't care what my tenants did as long as they paid their rent and didn't trash the place.

I'm a landlord of a two-family house. It was great for Mrs. McBoob while we were living there, but we had too many kids and had to move out and it's been nothing but a burden since then. So as long as you're living there you'll be fine, but make sure you have extra cash handy or know someone you can go to in a pinch,…

When you're sliding into first and you feel something burst….

Patrick Wilson will always be Brad from Little Children to me.

Merkin ain't workin.

It's pretty good. Probably the best Sarah Jessica Parker ever looked, besides maybe L.A. Story. It's got a good supporting cast, especially Kevin Pollack, but I'll always remember it for Carla.

Miami Rhapsody.


Hahahaha Captain Blankslate.

And she got naked with Elizabeth Mitchell in it!!

Neil. Oh wait, he's the worst of them all!!

Don't let him pull the rug out from under you.

Earmarked, good word.

That was pretty funny Carl, can you do that again?

Don't forget about the first Blade movie.

Mr. Brockman, how do you come up with such witty puns?