hootie mcboob

Hahaha my brothers college roommate got that name and logo tattooed on his calf. Gotta be regretting that one pretty bad.

It's neck and neck in the fattest category.

The Rocks performance is flat-out hilarious. Case closed.

That movie is like a time capsule though. Perfectly captures that era.

I know! We'll do a car wash!

Boat drinks.

Didn't he have asthma in it too? Plus he hated the taste of metal, only used plastic forks and spoons.

I wonder how many of us are out there. I always respected Calvins parents, but it's not until you are one that adds a lot more depth to the series. I'm thinking in particular of when they go away to a wedding and come back and their house has been burglarized. Or even when Calvin gets his moms car in a ditch across

Get off my lawn!


Same here. I never made it unfortunately, but at least I got to name my son Calvin and boy does the name fit perfectly.

You're not alone pal.

White Trash Fuck

Shit. I should look at the comments closer before I post.

"How'd that all work out?"

Coco the Monkey!

Oh, I see. Point taken.

Armed and Dangerous!! Don't you ever speak poorly of that movie!

No really, that's my brother Crazy Talk. We're all a little worried about him.

Your egos writing checks your butt can't cash.