hootie mcboob

I rather would've seen a reality show about Fuller from Home Alone.

Or try to pass off Rob Schneider as Hawaiian.

Ernest Borgnine could've pulled off the role if he was still with us.

Can't go wrong with either of those.

Lupe, it's one tuck, and one no-tuck.

Aaaaaaaaaaand it keeps getting worse. That's why I tried to give my sons reasonable names.


Yeah but you'd probably rather have a name that you can grow into, as opposed to the trend for awhile now of having a cute kids name that no adult could take seriously.

Say hi to my dad when you see him there.

They had it coming.


What a performance though.

Like that Boondocks episode?

Can we include a rebooted/tweaked version of Scarecrow and Dr. King?

Never mind.


Paging Mark Wahlberg….

Implied?…. Or implode?

Scrubbing and mopping?

Do you take a credit card?