hootie mcboob

There's dozens of us!!

You can say that again Mr. General

And some people only bring up racism when it suits their argument.

Richard Nixon?

*blinks eyes at Beast of Man*

Are you my brother? Him and I have a long standing love for both those movies. Like you said, both underrated gems.

I guess you could say….. It's my racket

You lucky bastard.

Hey he was almost Captain America!

A murder. A murder of kids

Just bring back the Good Guys dammit!!!

Sign me up.

Still gives me the creeps. When that guy starts peeling his face off in the bathroom, 8yr old me goes running from the room.

It was Ronnie the Rat

Lots of buzz surrounding this movie.

Loved you in that jewel thief movie.

The way he delivers it is perfect too. I drop that quote all the time but alas only my brother gets it.

It's not a lie if you believe it.

What about Charles Jaco?

I want some butts and I want em now!!!