hootie mcboob

You know he's gonna step on someone's throat with those.

Let the universe howl in despair, for I have returned!!!!

So it's a date?!

Great cameo by Bret Michaels in this episode!!!

One can only hope.

It's a dead mans party….

Season 2: enter………… The Hamburgler

Season 1 Finale: "Fry Me To The Moon"

You mean that kid with cancer?

I don't care, I'll watch anything Ben Mendelsohn is in. That guy can act.



I'm gonna come back in five minutes just to see if I really read/saw what I just saw.

Super-rich…..kinda makes it better….

I liked Man Of Tai Chi. It didn't try to be something it's not, and while the story was predictable it didn't feel like a ripoff of other movies. And Reeves made a good bad guy. I'd like to see him direct some more things like this.

What about The Southerner?

Linguo IS dead.

Reminds me of this weird late 90s movie Stag that had Johnny Drama, Jackie TreeHorne, Mario Van Peebles, John Henson and others. Weird shit.

Well I'm sick of you toooooooo

It ain't no big thing