hootie mcboob

Oh sure you got no problem tellin McDonalds you love em, but when was the last time you told ME that?!

You forgot Off

For the right price, maybe.

Beretta did that shit.

I like the way you roll man.


I like them. Just because I view them for what they are, the rise of Palpatine. He's the best character in any Star Wars movie. There I said it.

Sir the accident you just witnessed involved Suge Knight…… Oh well in that case never mind.

Suge was here

Was that gonna be your opener? "I can buy you some Schnopps if you want?"

You take that back Ricky!!!!!! AnnaSophia Robb will never be too old.

Is that Fred? I thought you said it was over…

Bring back James Browns hot tub!!!!

Can't bring it back without Hartman.

Definitely Nibbler from Futurama.

Are you sure that wasn't Mo Better Butter?

"Your wife's diddling your sister?"
"Your wife's diddling your sister?!!!!!!"

As the sun sets slowly in the west, we bid you a fond farewell…

Honey, I think we should paint over the bedroom. Any thoughts on a color?

"Please?!…… Please Mr. General?!!!!"