hootie mcboob

Sounds like Christopher Guests next movie.

I'd wanted to catch it in theaters but trying to find the time is like trying to find the Holy Grail. Glad it was entertaining and will definitely rent it soon.

Come on Boomer, you're better than that shit!!


Do they still carry the Shemale shirt?

I still don't get it. Somebody please explain.

That could probably be arranged

Send him to the Phantom Zone!!

Lookin good Ben, lookin good.

Good lord yes please!!!!!

Are we sure he's really not Andy Rooneys kid?

I'd rather know what Ja Rule thinks.

This whole courtrooms outta order!!!

Wow Michael Shannon is really letting himself go.

It's going for speeeeeeeed

I can think of 2 things wrong with that title

Hi my names Frack, shit!!!!

Just finished reading the new Tom Clancy book. Yeah yeah I know he didn't write and they're just using his name and the writing isn't as good as Clancys. But I don't care. I've read all his books and look at it as pure escapism fantasy, a world where the good guys are really good and the rest of the world hates our

She must know somebody
