hootie mcboob

Italian bologna. You're missing out if you've never had it.

Where's Mortadellas place in this sandwich?

What's the extra B for?

Battletruck is no match for Truckasaurus though.

*holds four fingers in the air*

But where were the Four Horesemen?!

Yes, and the Van Buren boys were there too.

Like when Independent George met up with Relationship George?

I didn't say it to get a program out of you!

I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers…..

Just gotta get the first one under your belt. Then it's smooth sailing from there on…

There'd better be some slide whistle involved.

One of my all-time favorite shows. God I miss it.

Ahem, Paul Dano

8 studios enter. 1 studio leaves!!

"SHUT UP BECKY!!!!!! That would've been sweet."

"On second thought, I'll have a glass of milk….. From THAT cow over there."

Ohhhhhhh Caaaannnnaaaaadddaaaa

Hey you join the Navy!!!!!

………. While inside the Knowledgeum your car will be subject to repeated break-ins…