hootie mcboob

"What's the matter Homie? bahda da la da da da da da

"You people have stood in my way long enough, I'm going to Clown College!!!!"

"Oh no my enchanted shin!!!! How did you know that was the source of my power?!"

"There's the right way, the wrong way, aaaaand the Max Power way…."

"I'd shoot you if I had my gun right now…."

"Room for one more?"

"I guess you could say I'm Iraqi"

"If there's one film this year that proves my innocence, let this be the one"


Take it or leave it………. Caaaaaarrrl?

And I ate de mess he left on de carpet….. Ya heard me!!!!!

"Marge what were your gambling losses last year?"

Go banana!!

"Lisa, if we didn't turn it down for the Cops, what chance have you got?"

He looks like he smells like cold cuts. You know the kind.

Fear of a Black Hat

Cuz she's got a….. GREAT ASS!!!!!

In the afterlife…….

That whole Yale thing?

Mine stopped working years ago after my kids dumped a shitload of change in it. Every time I take a sharp turn I can hear the change rattling around.