
But it seems like it's done just to deflect blame and be the victim so the girls will comfort him. I don't know his true motivations, but he seems really fake to me. It's like on just about every season of the Bachelor, one girl pretends to get really injured/sick to be comforted by the bachelor and get some one on

Nick is the worst. I've only seen about the past 6 seasons (since being with my former girlfriend, whom I married) and he's by far the worst. He tries to turn himself into the victim on everything. Take some responsibility.

Plus she was the best looking person on that show. When I told my wife that she immediately started hating her (since about episode 3) and was pretty pleased to see her leave.

Well there weren't as many red/green turtle shells flying around and banana peels everywhere. Less items flying around in that small space.

According to @DrFlimFlam:disqus if you exit and join someone in the tournament you'll get in the main group. My Nintendo name is Mannion319 so you can search me, add me as a friend and then if that does it to you again next time, join me specifically and you'll join the main group. If you're joining right at 8, there

I remember playing a first person Metroid (I think hunters) on the original DS and you had to do both (I believe) and I was just like, "Well, never getting a DS because I'm assuming all games are like this". Needless to say, I'm an idiot. I have a Wii-U and haven't had any problems with that.

It was fun! Having the 8th be on a Wednesday/Thursday can be bad because by that time you may have forgotten about it. But it's great in that you can rehash what happened on it on this board since it happened so recently.

Go straight down the middle and start your turn a little before you think you should and you'll slide through the trees and come out the other side!

That was a fun one, thanks for setting it up! Hopefully we get more people next month, I've never seen Baby Park so tame before.

Welcome! Do you by chance play Mario Kart 8? Because you should join us for Mario Kart 8 on the 8th! It's a lot of fun. The Friday before the 8th of the month (March 3rd for next month) check on here for DL, he'll post the tournament code and a bunch of us on here get together and race each other, it's a lot of fun!

They never think of the lefties when they create these things! It's one of the reasons I didn't get a DS/3DS.

I played so much of Other M but never beat it. I got to the turtle boss towards the end and couldn't beat it. The metroids kept getting me and I couldn't switch between missiles and freeze gun fast enough.

I agree, the point to point tracks are amazing and I'm so glad they started that. It let them include N64 Rainbow Road without making me groan when playing it and taking 10 minutes. The F-Zero track is another good example of that. But Mount Wario is my favorite. I love how it feels like you're actually skiing from

Bayonetta 2 is amazing. I got a lot of stone awards in the first game too. I got better awards in 2.

Hmm, that's a little disconcerting but I'll keep plowing through until I get to that point and then I'll see what happens.

That was a lot of fun on Wednesday! A couple rounds of Baby Park and Ribbon Road, even Mount Wario (which is my favorite kart track of all time)! Hopefully there are more people next month. When that gets to 7+ people, it gets really nutty.

I'm excited about it and want to see it in action, but I won't be getting it for a long while. I just got a PS4 and still have a good amount of Wii-U games I want to get to.

Reading that about Wolfenstein wasn't very good to hear. I'm playing through that now (it's my PS3 game in the rotation) and I'm enjoying it so far (I just freed the guy from prison and got back to the hideout in Berlin).

I need to get back into Dead Space. I got about 60% through and then I think I got another game or something and never went back to it. Once I finish Wolfenstein: The New Order I may pick that back up. It is an extremely creepy game and creates a great atmosphere.

I'm looking forward to getting to Tomb Raider, but since The Order is supposed to be a short game I figured I'd knock it out first. It's still really early in the game so a lot could change for The Order, but the gunplay is a little bland and so far the AI isn't that great.