
Yeah, April is on a Saturday. Hopefully there's a good turnout for that, especially since people will be reminded of it on here the day before. This was actually a time I was on there just about the full 2 hours.

I enjoyed Bioshock Infinite as well as BAS. It wasn't as good as the original Bioshock and Columbia isn't as great as Rapture, but it was still a great game!

Hmm, so you have to draw things on the screen? The stylus does seem to be the easiest way to do that, but as a lefty I'm sure that'll mess me up? I'm guessing you're supposed to be moving while drawing something? I'm not getting a Switch for at least a year (I say that now…) so I'm going to dig deeper into the Wii-U

We could have used you in the Mario Kart 8 on the 8th! There were only 3 of us there the whole time, with 2 others in at random times.

I got Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition in that same sale. I'm going to play The Order: 1886 first though. I've never played any Tomb Raider game, but I just got done a play through of Uncharted 4 so I'm going to go to a different type of game before hopping on Tomb Raider.

Please come back with your Switch impressions! I want to know as much about it as possible.

Another fun round of Mario Kart 8 on the 8th. Not as many people on this month, but it was a good time. Thanks DL for setting it up again!
Beat Uncharted 4 last week and I think that might be my favorite Uncharted game, slightly beating out Uncharted 2. Looking forward to the spin-off game being released later this

Glad to hear you're enjoying it. That game has one of my favorite boss fights in it. It's when you have 2 clawshots and fight the dragon up in the air. I love that boss fight. Finding the gold bugs wasn't something I was trying to 100% but once I heard the noise of a bug around, I had to find it. How are you liking

Any information you could pass along would be appreciated!

For some reason it doesn't bother me as much in smash or kart. Just splatoon. Maybe since it's a letter grade. I don't know.

That was just a joke about my wife divorcing me. If anything she'll divorce me if I spend all my time trying to get an S rank and ignore her. I HATE getting so close to hitting a new rank and then losing 3 in a row. I was almost at an A- forever ago but then I lost a bunch in a row and whenever I logged on I kept

I have Dishonored for PS3 (borrowed it from my brother) so I'll probably give that a go since it was free. Thanks for the advice!

I am very excited for the external HD support!

Sorry for your loss, that's terrible. Hopefully you all will remember the good times and funny stories about your friend. Sounds like he was a great guy.

Yeah, I was surprised too, but as a recent PS4 adopter, this is coming at the perfect time for me. I like it on the Wii-U, expanded my memory in no time.

I loved going to the video store as a kid (I'm 33, about to be 34 so I know all about video stores) to get video games.

She loves horror movies. So I have high hopes for this game getting her past her video game bias.

Just saw that PS4 will support external storage with the next update! So happy about that. I was going to get an internal one to try to install in the near future but this will work out better. Up to 8TB!

Super Mario Galaxy is one of my favorite games of all time. Just amazing. The 2nd one is just as good, but I think back to the first one because it really floored me with the use of gravity and all that.

You can do that? How? I'm a PS4 newbie (got it at the end of December) so I'm not up to date on all the cool stuff it can do.