
Yeah, I'll have to do everything with the controller but having her help with the decisions and all that with the scares added in should keep her interested.

Hmm, doesn't sound like something that's going to jump to the front of my backlog. Thanks for the info!

I hit A- in Splatoon! I'm working my way towards S rank. With my luck I'll get to A+ with a 99 rank and then when I'm about to win that last game to put me at an S rank, the servers will shut down forever for the Switch and I'll go through life knowing I'm not good enough. My wife will divorce me and I'll be alone

Count me in! Can't wait for this, I always use the bike anyway so this is good. It'll be fun to get this going without just bananas. Those were great on the short tracks but it took out a lot of the chaos that I love so much (except on Baby Park, that was pretty chaotic).

Bayonetta 2 improves on the first one in just about every way. I loved it. I would suggest playing Splatoon if your brother has it, great online shooter. Mario Kart 8 online is always a great time. Super Mario 3D World is great, doesn't get difficult until pretty far into the game though.

I didn't like the portal trio monsters at the beginning either but I believe those stop happening soon. Either that or they became fun and I liked them. Can't specifically remember but I do know I didn't play that whole game thinking I hated always running into those things. That was my first real introduction into

How is Deus Ex? I've never played any of those games but heard great things. Is it similar to Splinter Cell games?

Took off Monday so I've got an extra day for video games after the Super Bowl. I'm getting towards the end of Uncharted 4, just got to New Devon. Really loving this game. It's right up there with Uncharted 2 as best in the series, probably surpasses it. Plus the game is beautiful. I was playing and walking through the

Oh, ok. I had no idea what it was at all but a lot of people on here have been raving about it. I may have to check it out.

Thanks for clarifying! I haven't started Ocarina of Time though so I'll definitely do that. I'll leave my Super Mario World on the Wii screen.

Yeah, I bet. I may play Infamous 2 after I'm done Wolfenstein though. I played the first and liked it and want to get Second Son on PS4.

Something my brother recently told me is that you can sprint forever, it never stops you and you can reload while sprinting. I was so used to COD that I would stop sprinting while reloading and it was killing me (literally).

What the H is I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream? I've only heard about it on this comment board. Is it on consoles or PC exclusive?

One thing that's been bugging me is that I didn't get the DLC when I borrowed Bioshock 2 from my brother years ago. I want to go back and play that. I'll probably wait for the price on the collection to drop and pick it up then. I really enjoyed the DLC in Infinite. Was there any DLC for the original?

Sorry to hear about that. My wife is a kindergarten teacher and one of her students has lice. She got checked by the nurse and so far she doesn't have it but any infestation of bugs is no good.

#5 is the thing that's saving me the most in this game. My point totals are normally pretty decent even if my K/D ratio isn't that great. I need to work on my loadouts too.

I have a Ratchet & Clank game on the PS3, Crack in Time sounds right, I might start in on that once I finish Wolfenstein: the New Order. I've never played a R&C game.

All the saves transfer too? So I could download Super Mario World on my Wii-U and it'll bring my saved game with me? That's great!

Not to mention standing right in front of where he needs to go so he can't get around you and has to walk in a circle until you move!

We can't get them through comment boards, right?