
Hats off on the S rank. I'm close to that A- rating! I don't envision actually making it there, but I'm close.

That might change everything. Although I guess I should finish up Darksiders 2 before I start in on another long game like that.

In addition to my post below, I've been playing Wolfenstein: The New Order when my wife takes over the TV on the main floor and I play my PS3 in the basement. I'm really enjoying it and I'm just at the part where I snuck into the jail/concentration camp. That article posted by the AV Club yesterday came up at the

Pretty much right after that. I remember playing it and putting it down for a while after the first dungeon (when the game first came out on Wii), a few months later I picked it up just to see what would happen and I was hooked.

Yeah, those close BF1 games are really crazy. Especially because the insanity gets turned up by people attacking check points more creating havoc. In the game I referenced there were tanks closing in on check points with people shooting anti tank guns at them, planes dropping bombs and people using AA guns on the

I loved Twilight Princess. I haven't played a ton of Zelda games but that's one I played all the way through. I made it to the last castle on Link to the Past but then I moved to a new city 9 years ago and when I tried to pick it up last year I was completely lost as to what I should be doing. I love that game but I

I was worried this wouldn't come up today! As for the weekend, it's my wife's birthday Sunday and we're going out Saturday night but I should be able to fit some games in.
I've been playing Uncharted 4 a lot recently. At the part where I reunited with the wife and we're tracking down her jeep and I'm having a blast.

I'm wondering what's in store for Chapter 3 since Chapter 1 was Captain Toad, Chapter 2 was Toadette, do you control both in Chapter 3?

Well I know she likes telling me what to do in real life, so I don't see how video games should be different… I don't even know what Share View is.

Oh, that would be great if they told us about the trench thing. I've only had 2 complaints about BF1, they don't tell you anything about the guns or when you unlock them/how to buy them and getting into a game with a group of friends is harder than it should be. My brothers and I have been in a group together, enter a

That's what happened to me, I had fun couch cooping it. I'll probably end up downloading Rocket League one night when I've had some drinks and want something fast and fun to play online.

Great season that got better each episode. At first I didn't think I was going to like the Janet-Jason relationship but that was great throughout. The wedding episode was top notch hilarity. Really hoping this comes back next year. That twist was definitely unexpected.

I like how they throw in a 2 second "everything changes color and your movement slows down" every now and then when you start that segment. Yep, I bet that's exactly how you feel when you haven't moved a muscle for 14 years. That being said, I'm thoroughly enjoying the game.

My problem with the MP18 Trench is the sites. Looking down the sites does not do much to help. Can you buy some sort of scope or something for it?

Sounds like Until Dawn might be the game for me then. My wife is not a fan of video games but I think she'd like to be in on making decisions and stuff like that. So it's not a 3rd person game where you're running around doing random stuff?

I played Rocket League on my brother's PS4 about 6-8 months ago and loved it but he was saying it's impossible to find a good game now because everyone is crazy good and a beginner might have a hard time doing much in a match. Is that true?

I heard ZombieU was good, that may be a game I pick up after I beat Captain toad and then play Starfox.

So my wife isn't into video games but she might enjoy sitting with me and helping with decisions?

Hmm, I've never played a Telltale game but they do sound interesting if not a little boring (not a lot of running and gunning/platforming or whatever). I have uncharted 4, that's what I meant when I said Uncharted, I should have made that clearer. Bloodborne seems a little too RPGish/Dungeon-crawlery for me, unless

I never played Hardline or Battlefront. The last one (and only one) I played was Battlefield 3 on PS3. I just got the PS4 recently and BF1 is my first foray into BF in a long time. I'll have to check that out. Thanks!