
I missed a ton of story going through the original bioshock. I understood the basics but realized I was not paying any attention to those recordings as I was playing. So I read about it afterwards and was really surprised.

I never got into dungeon crawlers but my buddy back in the day was obsessed with Diablo. It's just not my type of game. I'm not really into heavy RPG games (Final Fantasy, Skyrim, etc.) either. Although I do want to try the South Park game (the first one) as I've heard it's hilarious and basically like an episode from

Also, what if you just walk up to it to look at it but don't want a pizza?

So why was Freddy offering Nas protection again? Something about feeding his brain or something? So Freddy wants to protect Nas in exchange for teaching Freddy stuff? Or did I completely misread that?

I heard something about "keep writing the checks!" or something like that too.

The Burren was awesome, and the cliffs are just amazing. We did the Ring of Kerry from Killarney which was really cool but it was a lot of time spent on a tour bus (we did a day tour from Killarney). I loved the food too, found out I liked black pudding, which I was not expecting. The wife was less of a fan of the

I'm about halfway through Epic Yarn, I need to finish that (haven't played it in months) so I can give it to my 5 year old nephew.

Thanks! Trip was amazing, my wife and I both have heavy Irish ancestry (I'm 100% Irish heritage and she's 75%) so it was cool to see the place where both sides of my family came from. I definitely want to go back to see more of it, we went to Kilkenny, Cork/Blarney, Killarney, Galway (I have a first cousin once

I'm about halfway through Uncharted 3, just got to Yemen and Elena. So I'll probably be playing some of that tonight.

Sorry to hear about that, man. That's horrible and hopefully you and your wife can get through it.

After a week off for a trip to Ireland (beautiful country, nicest people, delicious beer, best mashed potatoes) I have a wedding Saturday so I won't get too much gaming time in but I'll get some.
I'll put in some time on Uncharted 3, haven't played that in over a week and it'll be good to get back into it. Just got

If I do that my neighbor rating will drop and he'll let his dog poop on my yard.

Yeah, that part in GOWIII bugged me too. It was a really fun game but it was just an insane level of ridiculousness.

A couple weeks ago I was about to play that lawn game and when I pulled the string to start my mower, the string broke and went back into the engine and wound itself around the wheel in there. Normally not too big of a deal but I didn't have the replacement parts and we were about to go on vacation for 2 weeks and the

Last weekend I played "Put Mulch on Top of Other Mulch" outside and it was awful. It looked like it was going to rain all day and get me out of doing that, but it never did. At one point Mrs M_Squared said "This is really relaxing", I did no react well to that.

How are those Retron 5s? I was going to buy one on amazon but there were a lot of reviews that said they break really easily, so it made me wary of buying it. But those things looks great, NES, SNES, Genesis, just awesome stuff.

I wish it played cartridges though. I need to play little league world series and they never release that on virtual console!

Exactly. It's a great idea on how to change things that don't work/would be hard to adapt without enraging hardcore followers (in theory).

I'll be in Ireland for the final Splatfest so hold back your jealousy! Joking, thanks though! Should be a really fun time, I've never seen MM live but I really like them. My 2 brothers have seen them live before and say they put on a great show (as long as the lead singer isn't too messed up). It's at an outdoor venue

Not sure what I'm playing this weekend. 2 of my brothers and one of our buddies are coming up to go to a Modest Mouse concert tomorrow. So we'll be hanging out at my house tonight and tomorrow we're going drinking around Philly before the concert. So probably not too much time for video games. Although they're not