
It was implied in the books many times that Roland has been through this journey many times only to end up at the beginning again until he gets it just right. Now that he hast he horn he might be able to do that. Picking up after the books is genius in my opinion. Roland can be any color he wants, they can change

I don't know if it belongs in the top 50 or anything, but one movie that I thought was going to be terrible but was actually really funny was Grandma's Boy. If you bypassed it due to it being from the Happy Madison production company, I don't blame you but it's worth a look.

Soup Kitchen in a prius.

Anytime that's on I have to watch it. They way Will Ferrell's character treats Eva Mendes' character cracks me up. How could anyone say such things to such a beautiful person??

Hoping The Americans wins all its nominations and Andre Braugher wins for Brooklyn 9-9. He was great this season. FUNKY COLD MEDINA

At least Hamm finally got the emmy he's deserved for so long.

I can agree somewhat with that. Although that 80's future trope where everything is neon, it's always raining and bad guys wear leather coats and have weird haircuts really gets my on nerves. But I can look past all of that if the movie is good, which isn't the case with Blade Runner.

Blade Runner. Just not a fan of it. All I'd ever heard was how it was the best sci-fi movie ever and I watched it and did not like it.

To be fair, we assumed they'd surrender after a couple battles and we'd be on our own again.

Yeah, I don't know how the Americans has been ignored to this point.

I need to get into Mr Robot. My little brother watched the first season as it was airing and kept telling my other brothers and I to watch it.

Stay out of the gluten.

Rain jacket, electric plug adapter, carry-on luggage suitcase with wheels. Going to Ireland on Monday.

Yeah, 2 definitely improved on everything from the first game. 3 is alright so far but I've heard that game didn't get as much attention by the developers due to them working on the Last of Us and it shows. Not saying 3 is bad, it's pretty good so far, but it's not on the level of 2.

Oh man, that was hilarious. Thanks for posting that! Don't know how I've never seen that. The bit about how our great-grandkids will have 100,000 pictures of us and know what we did everyday was great too.

Yeah, while I was protecting her and getting her from room to room I actually thought she might survive, I should have known better. But it wasn't even like you're trying to protect her and fail or seek any other solution. If she were a character on Parks and Rec, she'd get Jammed.
Also, I really hope we're not

Yeah, I was a little uneasy with that part (just how nonchalantly he was like, well I know you're begging for your life, but I need you to be jammed in that lever, so… g'bye). I think the only person Kratos talks to and doesn't kill in that whole game is Aphrodite.

Yeah, I mean come on Pandora. Dude is holding the severed head of a god in his hands and you're "not afraid"??

The bigger, more aggressive foes normally get about 2 squares and a triangle and then you have to dodge an attack or reset yourself and do it again. The bigger foes normally get stunned after a little bit which allows you to then deal maximum damage.

Yeah, GOW3 definitely was the most brutal in terms of what they showed. That Helios part was pretty great, and then you hear a little scream every time you take his head out later.