
Uncharted 2 is amazing. I'm playing 3 now, but yeah, 2 was awesome.

I just recently beat God Of War III, and while it is button mashing, there is a certain fluidity to it. If you sit there and hit square a 10 times in a row, you're not going to do much. If you keep trying to hit triangle and bunch of times in a row, you're going to get killed. Basically every bad guy has a level of

Just started in on Uncharted 3. It's good but not as good as Uncharted 2 (or what I'm hearing about Uncharted 4). So far it doesn't seem that difficult which is a little disappointing, I think I've only died twice or so and I'm about a quarter of the way through the game. Not saying I want to die every 2 minutes, but

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.

Hmm, I may have to check this out. Only game show I watch with any sort of regularity is Family Feud (which is to say, sometimes).

When does the shortened season of Review start up? Is Nathan For You done? Where are my summer shows???

Maybe this will mean the book could come out before the next season? Who am I kidding…

I'm sure he forgives you.

Is that from anything I can find on Netflix or something? That sounds hilarious.

Well now I don't know what to believe!

Old episodes of You're the Worst is only on Hulu, right? I want to catch up with that show, since everything I've heard about it is great.

I used to watch this show. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. No idea why I started watching it. I was living at my parent's house shortly after college and was looking for a job so I had a lot of free time on my hands.

They need to keep the Americans going when it comes back. I need that in my life. I will definitely miss the CBB reviews though, and just as I am getting into the podcasts!

True, I was just more commenting on the fact that the whole movie was them going from public transportation to public transportation to get home.

As in, that's only one of the many shows that's stopped getting reviewed or there's worse news about CBB coming??

Wait, is that saying that Comedy Bang Bang will not be reviewed anymore?? I go on vacation for 2 weeks and this is what I come back to!?!?!?!?

Probably not too much this weekend. Just got back last weekend from a 2+ week vacation (I hope you all didn't miss me too much the past 3 Fridays!) and this weekend the wife and I are going down to her grandma's shore house until Sunday (no way I'm dealing with traffic on Monday). So I may get some time in on Sunday

Yeah, the Splatfests are fun but you're right, their novelty has worn off. That being said, I was a little bummed to see that the last splatfest is taking place while I'm traveling to Ireland.

Saw this movie for the first time a couple of years ago and really liked it. It would be such a shorter movie if they had a car though.

It also did touch lightly on the economic impact it has on cities which can be significant (especially Cleveland with Lebron). People go out to watch games together (especially during playoffs) which is good for local bars/pubs. People want to be close to the action so it takes them closer to downtown areas and helps