
Shit. I have less than 3 months left to discover new music… suggestions anyone?

Although it actually happened a couple of KOTR's ago, the switch to 8 competitors instead of 16 is really a wasted opportunity. I understand the desire to push fans to the WWE app but the KOTR is now a 3 day event with only two televised with the finals apparently being on the Smackdown taping tonight.

Nice to see the old guy from UP getting a live action movie.

More than likely. But, there is a chance he could be released which is drastically different from the US system.

Absent from this review is the fact that Breivik will at best serve 21 years for these killings. In the US assuming he didn't get the death penalty he would have been sentenced to roughly 80 life sentences to be served consecutively.

You must really hate your mother.

Great reminder:

I saw the words "grad school". I read it as "grad school". But still, my mind made an assumption that you left out the e and actually meant grade school so i was left pondering in what context a bunch of elementary aged children would be using "spongeworthy".

As I'm rewatching this time I get a very slight fantasy element from the show. Almost as if Madeline Adams became hotter in Kevin's mind over the years. I don't think this was at all intentional by the writers, but given some of Kevin's proclivities for embellishment it has been striking me more and more this time

I figured as much. It was either they cut the abortion scene or that they were adding a new wrinkle where Lisa was a manipulative bitch.

Yeah. Pre-Michael Bay allows the suspense to build and then you get the payoff of a couple of big action sequences rather than one large continuous action sequences.

Thoughts on T2?

Captain America: The Winter Soldier - renewed my interest in the Marvel franchise. I'd petered out on Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D., but now that the Hydra storyline has some depth I might go back and catch up. Or at the very least find some synopsis of all of the intersecting storylines that exist in the marvel universe.

I'm terrified it'll be Johnny Depp.

Depends on who you mean as "they".

My avoidance of Predator has nothing to do with your thoughts about HP (which is actually the thing i've avoided as well). It is more your weekly mention of it that will either force me to watch it or force me to never watch it. YOU OWN REAL ESTATE IN MY HEAD.

I didn't mind that "an Alien did it", it was just the way the ending was paced and written. As someone mentions below endings now seem like an after-thought for his stories and as such are just horribly executed.

See you next week.

I'm surprised there isn't more: Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Polanski, Dad from Seventh Heaven hate in this thread… because that seems like the type of acceptable spiteful reasons to avoid pop culture.

Every so often I check the imdb page for The Silver Chair (2016) and hope i won't be disappointed.