
I was always hopeful that i'd read a news article about some Sons fanboy getting the shit kicked out of him because he couldn't separate what he saw on TV and got a little inappropriate with a Hell's Angel.

I would get on the Harry Potter bandwagon if there was a film about him getting fisted.

He is his absolute sexiest in Gilbert Grape.

That reminds me… 90's Jim Carrey movies.
I'll watch In Living Color, but any of those early movies of his just seemed sooo juvenile, even when I was 12.

I keep my account just for the simple fact that I was actually one of the first million.

I'm avoiding Predator because of you.

If you go back to King I wouldn't recommend reading anything published after The Dark Tower series ended. Seems like he hit a point in his life where he forgot how to end a book.

Yeah… the near-exclusively part is disturbing. The same reason it would be bad to boycott all of YA fiction is the same reason it would be bad to read it "near-exclusively".

The DaVinci Code was assigned for a Religion in Popular Culture class I took because the Professor wanted to read it. He never actually did read it (during the course), so it was all something we had just read and never talked about.

Seinfeld's take was the best:

I'm in the Harry Potter camp.

Right up until the end when both books took a giant dump.

But now she's black to make his return to Jim Crow even more offensive!

That would have been fantastic attention to detail!

I had to reformat my C: drive last weekend and despite all of my games being on my D: drive some of my save files had migrated over. So, I lost one of my Civ V games, but I started a new one and upped the difficulty. I'm only about 200 moves in so far, so no one has gotten too aggressive yet.

19 years later he's still a beat cop… that episode was 16 years ago, and Phoebe met him while pretending to be a cop with the badge he lost. It is definitely possible.

They could have added an extra system where you could secretly gain Sith points by ratting out people within your Guild and get their Jedi destroyed for your benefit.

In the Extended Universe Emporer Palpatine had a history of mass genocide against races he thought slighted him. Maybe after ANH he rounded up all of the Jawas and sent them to crematoriums.

Of course in the Star Trek Universe I only have to go to the holodeck and hang out on a simulated beach or in a simulated vagina.

Okay, Mon Calamari for the water planet.