
Yeah, but in the Star Wars Universe planets are one thing. They seldom explore the fact that there might be different geographical regions.

Although i would like to see a movie dedicated to Lando Calrissian being sent to the spice mines of Kessel.

Given the size of the universe there is bound to be multiple desert planets. But, the honest answer is J.J. Abrams probably wanted to tie the new films back to ANH and plans on having our new hero(ine) doing some callback scenes (like Luke standing outside of the farm watching the sun go down).

I find the "subhuman" critique of the enemy in war movies as empty.

Nuclear Orange is part of the taste. Thanks Obama (Michelle).

Hey, they name-checked Ken Shamrock tonight!

Social Network takes place mostly outside of the true Silicon Valley, so from that perspective it actually deals with a different set of issues and experiences.

Silicon Valley is now my main focus on Sunday nights…. knocking Game of Thrones out (and Walking Dead) if they over lapped. Really funny show. This episode really solidified things for me.

Finished my big project for now so today I made a concerted effort to take care of some Pop Culture consumption.

I just had to reformat my computer. Fortunately Steam was installed on an added hard drive so I don't have to cry and redownload all of my games. Just have to figure out how to get the shortcuts back on my desktop.

Fuck with the and show them Seven or Benjamin Button.

Fair point…. although usually I read enough reviews to know if that is going to be a substantial risk.

I'm not really the type of person to have buyers remorse. If i buy it and it isn't good why should I expect the company to take it back?

Debating installing the Origin platform. Humblebundle has Dragon Age 2, Peggle, Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2, some Medal of Honor games, and other stuff for a minimum of 5 bucks. Is it worth it? or is Origin as bad as I've heard.

I wanted a fighting game recently and didn't want to shell out 60 bucks for Mortal Kombat X so I was left to decide between Mortal Kombat Komplete and Injustice: Gods Among Us. Both were on sale for 5 bucks a piece so I looked around for comparison and finally saw someone say "just get whichever one you like the

In 1996 in Orlando it was Grant.
It became so identifiable with the team and the city that when the Magic made their playoff run they put a giant pair of blue goggles on a water tower in Orlando that already had disney mouse ears.

What percentage of the audience do you think knew Horace Grant was playing for the Magic in 1996.

The subtle Orlando references make the show better for me. Tonight: two kids fighting over who gets to be the goggle guy.

I got distracted and missed the first hour or so… and then i think i only watched about 15 minutes. It is much easier to look at the taping results and decide if there is any thing I want to see (Neville v. Ziggler) and then try to remember to turn the tv back on for that match.

I would love that job.