
I've aged out of the demo enough to not even know if your "corporate shills" rant is accurate or not.

Which led me to watching my beloved Red Sox winning the World Series for the first time in ages and the most constant thought in my mind was: Why the fuck is Jimmy Fallon on the field?!

Because Halle Berry is awful. Stewart and McKellan are fantastic in their roles, and as noted below I'm fine replacing Jackman, but it isn't as necessary as Berry.

That's a fair criticism. There is nothing he can do with the character that he hasn't already done so unless they Benjamin Button his ass and we see him play a child Wolverine the part isn't going to excite him anymore.

Going Clear is on my DVR. Hopefully I get around to watching it before the Scientologists erase my DVR.

To this day I piss my sister off by calling her dog Hatchet Face because of this movie.

X-Men: Days of Future Past. The opening sequence was basically Terminator 2 with Mutants. The Sentinels are cool looking, but not quite comic book enough for me. Since when can Kitty Pryde have that time travel ability. If they were going to ret-con Last Stand couldn't they have replaced Halle Berry? The time line for

Probably Mario games as well…
and Animal Crossing. MUST. KEEP. FISHING.

I had a Commodore 64 game with the same issue… maybe it was B.C.'s Quest?!

Yeah, I've been finding that to be the case as well. But, maybe his aspect is destruction of the enemies and the other players are there for the finesse aspects of the game.

Just started PC gaming a couple of months ago, but according to my Steam Profile:

I cannot tell if you are selling Robbie short or over-selling various porn-stars.

Wil Wheaton is starting to look rough. Clean it up Wesley.

He had a good sense of humor about himself but played it over the top. The Beaten Wheaton line being an example.

Trine —- this is a beautiful game. The puzzle aspects of it are nice and moderately challenging for now. I previously tried to play Trine 2 on the Wii U, but it was clumsy with the Wii mote and nunchuck, but with a standard controller it is so much easier. The frequent checkpoints make it an easy game to pick up and

I've started that… so i'll try to stick to your suggestion and see how it goes.

I've been making a concerted effort since I got into PC gaming to make sure I finish the story or any extra elements that add to the narrative, and then depending on how much I like the game and the difficulty i've been going back and trying to get as near to 100% completion as possible.

< > not [ ]

Mario 64 - there are a couple of stars that have always bested me it is currently on my Wii waiting to be picked back up.

It's been on my DVR for about 2 years. Lonergan won me over with You Can Count On Me so I was excited for this movie… then it got stuck in post and by the time it hit my dvr I wasn't able to commit 2.5 hours. Once I get through this little busy stretch i'm in I'll definitely watch it.