
Agreed. I took it as a return to the independent days of ISIS, except you know… which a different name. Al-Shabaab has a nice ring to it.

There was the line in last weeks episode: If I was a clone of Adolf Goddamn Hitler Wouldn't I look like Adolf Goddamn Hitler?!

How Rude.

I'm sure they'll make one a war widow.

I hate to tell you this Carl, Urkel wanting to do it would be more important than you not wanting to.

I think you are confusing it with Family Matters.

Please, tell more people how their opinion is invalid because the reviewer chose to have a different opinion than they did.

Wasn't the point of the arc Sorkin saying fuck you as he walked out the door?

I think he fractured his cervix.

Yeah, they can rebuild the announce table in 5 minutes but they couldn't just lean it upright.

ahhh, Men's Rights Advocates… the scum of the internet.

Vince even raised the house lights so it could be seen on tv. Actually acknowledging the fans for a change.

I wonder if it was AJ just showing love or a concerted effort by the WWE to get a cool shirt some more buys.

Yeah, I was refreshing to see if the RAW post was up and saw that I had missed this one.

Wow. That's fucked up.

After the commercials it comes back to Michonne in her darkened living room. She has her sword. Just as she is about to put it back on the mantle she pauses, grabs the sheath instead and puts it on. So she is wearing both her constable uniform and her sword.

I wish they were actually roasting him over a fire.

Glenn needs one now.

I tried to forward that argument a couple of weeks ago. It did not go over well.