
or more likely, Time Magazine.

Yeah, i realized after posting that better journalists than Sarah Koenig have looked into that one and come up empty.

Most of the people who think Jay did it.

If you run into her again suggest the Ray Gricar case:

I did.

Fuck you. I was jumping into this thread to make a Jon Huntsman joke.

I cannot wait for the conservative backlash when American Sniper doesn't win best picture.

Started "Firefight" by Brandon Sanderson. I really enjoyed Steelheart, and FF seems to be starting out just as well. Read 70 pages last night, so my main concern is that i'll be done with it in a couple of days.

Nice read, Velma.

Some slight quibbles with the episodes selected:
Roseanne should be "Wait till your father gets home" (even though the weed episode is one of my favorites)
Louie I would have gone with "So did the Fat Lady" or "Duckling"
Better of Ted should be "Jabberwocky"

I was thinking "Duckling" or "So Did the Fat Lady"

Genesis - We Can't Dance

They did lose the Cessna in Wings. (sitcom). Or maybe they got it back from salvage.

"in the transcripts of his police interviews make it clear to me that he was constantly lying, getting caught in lies, realizing it, and lying in different ways until the police were satisfied with his answers."

Explaining the calls is difficult, but i will say that the phone is used way more that day that make sense to me. But, if i was a couple of teenage boys with an early cell phone it might get used 34 times in one day.

my account of the 321 call can't be right if your tower locations are correct. But, Jay could still be making that call to Jen on his way to pick up Adnan, just for a different reason. So, the sequence stands. 315 adnan calls Jay. 321 Jay calls Jenn.

right, but we don't know what the records would show after 1030… whether it supports Jay's latest version or supports some other version about Hae being buried later.

Hi Yaser. I'm nevermind isn't a 20 second call.
The content of the 20 second call is irrelevant, the issue i'm raising is that Yaser most likely would have remembered a call from Adnan and then immediately having Adnan walk into the mosque.t That sequence would probably have been memorable.

3:15 is an incoming call - Adnan "Jay come get me"
3:21 is an outgoing call - Jay to Jenn's house after he left talking to her.
3:32 is an outgoing call - Nisha Call. Jay has arrived at the scene where Adnan is, Adnan drives Hae's car to the park-and-ride as Jay follows. Jay hands off phone to Adnan for that drive,

Slow down. Nothing short of video of Adnan doing it would put doubters to rest, and even then everyone would still say he shouldn't have been convicted because the evidence presented at trial didn't match the video.